Tel: 021-35387473


Organizational Structure

President Of PPA Center

Message from the President
It gives me great pleasure to write on the on the eve of establishment of Website of PPA and appreciate all efforts rendered to make it a success.
This web will serve as a source of information not only for national members but global dissemination of PPA activities will encourage partnerships and collaboration with other societies and organisations. it will enhance our outlook and help members in achieving goals towards the desired face of Pakistan Pediatric ASSOCIATION and its fraternity.
The implementation of greater strategies globally and locally is in need of Effective Leadership in CHILD HEALTH to impart knowledge,Training and Research. Being the voice of children of Pakistan. It is great time to address leadership role in implementation of all polices and achieve greater advisory role in upbringing needs of children as Priority and an investment in our future rather than expenditure.
All Members and organisations involved in CHILD HEALTH need to plan new strategies to make this world safe heaven for children.
i am sure that this website will facilitate members in all areas of the child development including immunization,Breast feeding,maternal and Newborn care,Malnutrition, Rehabilitation,safeguarding and so many other ISSUES faced as challenges to overcome for a better future for our children.
This Dynamically active site will need inputs from honorable members from time to time and views and comments are welcomed at any time
once again am honored to congratulate every member of PPA on the launch of this website
May God bless PPA
Best Regards
Prof. Masood Sadiq
Pakistan Pediatric Association