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Membership Rules
Membership Classification, Qualifications and Eligibility Criteria
Membership of the Association shall be classified as under:
Ordinary Members
Life Members
Associate Members
Overseas Members
Honorary Members
Qualification and Eligibility Criteria of Members:
Has a reputable character
Agrees and undertakes to abide by the constitution and bye-laws of the Association, including, and in particular, the Arbitration and discipline clause.
Has the professional qualifications mandatory for the class of membership he has applied for.
Ordinary Member:
Any person possessing Post Graduate diploma or degree in Pediatrics or a recognized sub specialty as recognized by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council will be eligible for membership. Admission shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Association and the mode and conditions of elections to the membership shall be determined in accordance with the Bye-laws prescribed from time to time.
Life Member:
A member who has been an ordinary member of good standing for at least 3 years, with Post Graduate in Pediatrics or a recognized sub specialty, but not in any other specialty, may become a life member by paying Rs. 5000/-subscription only once.
Associate Member:
Any other medical graduate who has interest in Pediatrics but no Post Graduate qualification in Pediatrics or a recognized Pediatric sub specialty shall be eligible for Associate membership.
Overseas Member:
Any Pakistani or foreign national with Pakistani or foreign Post Graduate qualification in Pediatrics who is working abroad, may become an overseas member of PPA by paying subscription in foreign currency as decided by the Executive Committee of PPA Center from time to time.
Honorary Member:
Any person, whether medical graduate or not, who has rendered outstanding services for the welfare of children, if recommended by the Executive Committee of a branch with his/her CV and approved by the Executive Committee of PPA Center, may be conferred honorary membership of the Association by a resolution of the Executive Committee of PPA Center. He shall not be required to pay any subscription. He shall be eligible for all the privileges of an ordinary member but shall not have the right to vote.
Privileges of Membership:
Each year's subscription shall entitle the member to all privileges of the membership of the Association including those of receiving the journal for the current year and to ordinary privileges of the membership of the branches of which he is an ordinary member
Every member shall be supplied copies of all publications of the Association either free of charge or at such rates as the Executive Committee may fix from time to time
Every member shall have the right to attend and take part in discussions in all clinical meetings, lectures, and demonstrations organized by the Association or its branches of which he is a member
Every ordinary member of good standing and life member shall have the right to vote on all resolutions put forward at any of the meetings of the Association, "and vote, contest of participate in elections in any way, however, this shall be subject to Articles clause no. 7.6"
Every member shall have the right to attend Pediatric Conferences or seminars organized by the Association
Every ordinary and life member shall have the right to have any information about the affairs of the Association if he so desires
Every member shall enjoy all other privileges that may here after be conferred by the Association
Honorary Members: They will have all privileges like Ordinary members except they will not hold any office and shall have no voting rights
Associate Members: They will have all privileges like Ordinary members except they will not hold any office and shall have no voting rights
The Overseas Members shall have the same rights as an ordinary member